Why I Am Running


My name is Courtney Mooney and I am running for Fall Church City School Board.

My husband and I moved here from Arlington 8 years ago, shortly after the birth of our son, because we wanted him to be in a great public school system. We have found more than just great schools here, however. We have found wonderful friends, a welcoming community, and a place to truly call home. Though we have demanding professions, as former college athletes, both my husband and I have tried to contribute to children in our area through kids sports while placing our faith and full support in our school system for their education and growth therein.

For our family, the challenges of the pandemic and the choice to keep kids out of the school building created the need for me to dig deeper into the conversations and decisions being made at the organizational level within our school system. I spent much of the last year patiently watching every school board meeting, quietly speaking to people in our community, and listening while too many parents felt alone and ignored while they tried to address the fact that their children weren’t just struggling because of school closures but were being outright harmed mentally, emotionally, and academically due to them. While I do not envy our board the difficult position they were in, I was looking for thoughtful and nuanced discussion, strong leadership, a clear vision, effective communication, proactive involvement of the parents, teachers, and community, and a willingness to ask tough questions and make strong decisions on behalf of the families they were supposed to represent. I did not see that and so I created it.

I led Falls Church City Parents 4 Schools. Having spent the last 15+ years working in the medical field, including the past 11yrs in diagnostic testing, I felt uniquely positioned to speak from a place of some knowledge when it comes to COVID. I helped pull together families that were equally motivated to help, I put together an advisory board of experts in our community so we could provide clear education, information, and a path forward for our system. Love them or hate them, most of you know and saw the yard signs but that was only a visible indication of much larger efforts. There were weekly newsletters I put together which were sent to the board, the city council, superintendent, and 100’s of others in the community. I created a website with resources and information. There were multiple private reach outs and conversations with individual teachers and the teacher association reps. I engaged in open communication with PTA leaders. I met with everyone from the mayor, members of city council, as well as the superintendent and school board members. There was also a private social media page where families had a place to ask questions, get information, debate, discuss, and yes, vent their frustrations and get validation after a year of trying to be heard.

Everyone in our school system was challenged last year and worked incredibly hard with what they were given. Our teachers and staff deserved effective communication and nuanced discussion that helped them feel supported as well. The efforts made via FCCP4S were not about being anti-teacher or anti-our schools. This was about giving families a place to go to be heard, consolidating the numerous voices so our school system could more effectively respond to questions, and then publicly, systematically, and respectfully representing our kids and a significant demographic in our community because our elected school board officials were struggling to do so.


I am aware that some referred to these efforts as being a noisy parent. For me, there are some things in life worth advocating for and being passionate about- our kids are one of them. I say all of this not to rehash the past year, but to clearly lay out why I am running for a school board seat. I have already been doing the job of being an effective representative for part of our community that sorely needed it. Since forming FCCP4S there is not an email, question, or concern that has been brought to my attention or sent my way that I haven’t personally tried to address with both empathy and respect. There are not many people outside the school organization who have been as fully engaged with what has been happening the past year and the conversations that have and have not gone on, as me. I have been doing my due diligence and I am not one to shirk from digging in, asking questions, engaging in good faith debate, providing clear and nuanced decision making, or doing my best to communicate what decisions are being made and why. I am comfortable with the mantel of leadership. I am not afraid of constructive criticism; in fact, I welcome it. I have no qualms about asking for help and collaboration or leaning into our amazing community for insight, feedback, and support.

The school budget accounts for 41% of our overall city budget. It is the biggest piece of the pie by far and that alone should require a strong board that actively takes the lead, willingly represents a variety of viewpoints, and encourages a culture and community where people feel empowered, heard, and are not afraid to speak up or fear being labeled or shamed for doing so.

We moved here because we wanted our child to go to a great public school. Our schools and the professionals in them ARE great. But nothing and no one is perfect. I want to be part of a board willing to be self-reflective and open when and where things fall short and constantly examines and is transparent with how we can be better- whether it involves individual students, a teacher’s need, or something system-wide. Encouraging those conversations from the top down is how you continue to grow, to build, and to maintain trust both within the school organization itself and the community as a whole. Most importantly, I want our system to be one where the overall shared vision and central goal which drives the decision-making is one that puts our children and their families at the center.

I have already tried to represent many families in this community. I’d like the opportunity to represent all of the members of this community.